
Find quotes from wide variety of collections to uplift yourselves

"I am a confident public speaker"

"I fully approve of who I am, even as I get better."

"I believe in myself"

"I radiate beauty, charm, and grace"

"Others look up to me because of my positive attitude"

"Life is getting better all the time!"

"Each day my thoughts become more and more positive"

"I am always thinking positive"

"I am full of inspiration and creativity"

"My creativity flows effortlessly"

"I am always open to new ideas and thoughts"

"New ideas are always coming to me"

"I am effortlessly creative at all times"

"Creative ideas just flow out of my mind naturally"

"I have endless creativity"

"My mind is free and open to everything"

"I find it easy to lose weight"

"I find it easy to stay in shape"

"I deserve to be slim, healthy, and happy"

"I am strong in mind and body"