
Find quotes from wide variety of collections to uplift yourselves

"I am beautiful. I silence the lies that tell me otherwise."

"I am an invaluable asset, I am a priceless individual, I do phenomonal things."

"I am always at the right place at the right time for great things to happen for me and through me."

"I never lose. I learn."

"I can handle disappointment."

"I don't need other people to change."

"I ACCEPT things as they are."

"I keep my cool."

"I am capable of achieving everything and anything I desire, and I feel happy."

"I truly believe that I am a successful person, and I feel proud."

"I am a magnet for success."

"I gravitate toward synchronistic people and events."

"I gravitate toward people and situations that are synergistic to my success and fulfillment."

"I can be as happy as I would like to be, and i feel free!"

"I am an outgoing person who people like to talk to, and I feel grateful."

"I gravitate toward people who are emotionally, socially and financially successful, and I feel amazing."

"My past is over and does not define me. I define myself on a daily basis. Every day is a new day"

"Everyone feels overwhelmed from time to time, however, I can only work with today and control my responses and actions. Success comes from taking one step at a time. "

"Discipline is choosing what you want over what you want right now."

"I am the one thing in life I can control."